CALL US ANYTIME! Office: (540) 543-3288 RON: (540)-841-9942 Gabe: (540)-841-9843 FAX: (540) 738-2252
- Subdivision Development
- Septic and Well Construction Permits
- Certification Letters
- Real Estate Septic Inspections/Walkovers
- Septic Repair Permits
- Well Permits
- Well Abandonment Permits
- Installation Inspections
- Percolation Tests
- Septic Feasibility Studies
Subdivision Development
Do you have multiple lots you would like septic systems and or wells on? We will evaluate each site for the possibility of a well or septic permit.
Septic and Well Construction Permits
If you have single or multiple lots that need a septic or well permit we will evaluate each site for compliance with the appropriate state and local sewage and well regulations. If all regulations are satisfied we will issue the appropriate report for the local health department to approve and issue the permit. Once approved by the Health Department a septic construction permits are valid for 18 months. For a fee paid to VDH these permits can be renewed for an additional 18 months (1) time. If you don't intend on building soon we can provide you with a certification letter (see below).
Certification Letters
We will evaluate the site and if in compliance with local and state regulations, issue a report recommending that a lot certification for septic and well site be issued by the local health department. Lot certifications have no expiration date which makes it a good option for someone that wants to increase the value of a property without having to build within the next 18 months. Lot certifications do not allow you to build but rather guarantee a site to be suitable for construction in the future. When the time for construction arrives you would come back to us for a full construction permit. Certification letters are also necessary to divide a property if you plan on creating new lots.
Real Estate Septic Inspections/Walkovers
We will obtain copies of the well and septic permit from the local health department and make a site visit to the property to determine if the well and septic are operating as designed. If no files are found for the well or septic system we will make recommendations if needed to bring the well and septic system into compliance with todays regulations. For normal walkover inspections we will check the septic system without digging by use of probes and auger borings. At request, we can uncover the septic tanks and/or distribution box to inspect their condition. Depending on the system a full uncovering may or may not require the services of an excavator at the owners expense.
Septic Repair Permit
If you are experiencing problems with your septic system will evaluate the site and if in compliance with local and state regulations we will issue the appropriate report to be taken to the local health department for issuance of a septic repair permit.
Well Permits (Domestic, Agricultural, and Geothermal)
We will evaluate the site and if in compliance with local and state regulations we will issue the appropriate report to be taken to the local health department for issuance of a well permit.
Well Abandonment Permits
We will issue a well abandonment permit for any well the owner wishes to abandon.
Installation Inspections
We conduct drainfield installation inspections and issue the appropriate inspection reports for issuance of the operation permit by the local health department.
Percolation Tests
If necessary we can conduct Ksat tests as part of our soil evaluation to determine actual soil permeability rates.
Septic Feasibility Studies
If there is property you would like evaluated for septic suitability, we can offer our professional opinion in writing. During our feasibility study we will make a site visit to the property and use a hand auger to review the suitability of the site and soil for a septic permit/lot certification.
About Us
Created in January of 2021 Bryant's Soil Consulting is a family owned
LLC partnership between Ronald and Gabriel Bryant.
Ron Bryant
Ron has over 38 years experience as an AOSE (Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator) for the Virginia Department of Health. During his career with VDH, Ron authorized well and septic permits, reviewed work of consultants, approved subdivision plats, and inspected septic installations. Ron's time with the VDH gave him experience in Dickinson, Rockingham, Warren, Louisa, Orange, Culpeper, Fauquier, and Page counties. He also holds a degree in Environmental Sciences from Ferrum College and is a Certified Professional Soil Scientist as well as a Master Alternative Onsite Sewage System Operator. |
Gabe Bryant
Gabe is an AOSE (Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator) & holds a Virginia Master Alternative Installers license, as well as a BS in Geology from James Madison University. During his education he was trained in Soils, Engineering Geology, Stratigraphy, Structure, and Geomorphology. He demonstrated usage of the Johnson Permeameter for Dr. Scott Eaton's soil course. He also completed JMU's field geology course in Ireland which among other topics focused on engineering, hydrology, and bedrock mapping.
Location & Hours
Office Address (Call for appointments)
17460 Lakemont Dr.
Culpeper, VA 22701
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5pm
17460 Lakemont Dr.
Culpeper, VA 22701
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5pm
Contact Information
Office: (540) 543-3288 Gabe: (540) 841-9843 Ron: (540) 841-9942 Fax: (540) 738-2252 Email: [email protected] |
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